Friday 10 February 2017

A Better Social Life Than Mine

There's this incredible transition that happens when you become a mum, you become part of "The Mum Club". Those with children finally accept your opinion on anything baby related, you go to the mum and baby groups and you make friends. Much harder said than done, but I was lucky enough to find a wonderful group and they made the transition into the Mum Club that bit easier. The one thing people don't prepare you for is the fact that your social life is essentially non-existent and yet this tiny thing that you made has a full on diary!

At one point my weeks were so full of baby related things that I had to take a minute and catch my breath, then reassess what we could practically keep up with without me losing all of my sanity. An average week looked like this...

Monday - Baby Group in the morning and swimming in the evening
Tuesday - Visit to see Nanny B
Wednesday - Tumble Tots
Thursday  - Catch up with the mums (and their delicious babies)
Friday - Social visits to see anyone that hadn't seen Baby H for a while
Weekends - Visit to see Granny & possibly a Birthday Party

Safe to say it got a bit out of control. I decided that it wasn't up to me to do all the driving around and that if people wanted to see him then they could. They knew were we lived, it was an interesting way to thin out friends, but looking back I wouldn't have it any other way. Unfortunately our swimming stopped or we would have carried that on, and he outgrew our favourite baby group. We've made some changes that suit him so he has a good range of social interactions but that also don't cost me a fortune or my sanity.

I now find myself planning play dates as opposed to coffee dates, I am very much aware that I am a byproduct of people seeing Baby H but he is a lot cuter than I am so I'll let him off!

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