Saturday 21 January 2017

Spidey Senses

I think that in addition to all of the obvious (and for the most part) magnificent changes that your body goes through when you are pregnant, there is a much less advertised change that you don't notice until someone points it out. Spidey senses. In other words, the ability to hear a cough through three closed doors with the tv on and a tap running. That was my sons way of telling me that we would be in for a long night and that he would throw up on every available surface including myself and my freshly washed hair. Still not sure how it got there.

It is one of the more amazing sides of being a mum in my opinion, you just know when something is wrong. I know that dads get it too but I think that after a beer or the right tv programme theirs can be turned to a lower level of sensitivity. I find it incredible that my brain is able to know the difference between a little cough that Baby H does regularly in his sleep and one that sounds almost identical and yet ensures that my washing machine is going all night. I think he knew that I had caught up with my washing and was testing me, either that or he just wanted some mummy cuddles and to watch Despicable Me in my bed.

All credit for the name "Spidey Senses" goes to my sister, she is an amazing mum of two who regularly has to use her senses and told me about how I'd develop mine. I doubted her and was so very wrong, it's one time where I was glad to be wrong. I love being able to be in tune with my boy, I guess it makes me feel like he is a proper extension of me despite looking exactly like his daddy. Minus the beard and the tattoos of course!

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